How To Clean White Grout On A Tile Floor (And Keep It Clean)

Tiles give your home an attractive, neat look and they’re easy to maintain, making them a popular choice for many people. However, the porous components of tiles make them susceptible to dirt and grime. And the dirtier a tile gets, the more difficult it becomes to clean the grout that attaches these tiles.  

To clean white grout, make a mixture of baking soda, vinegar, and ammonia. Spray it over the grout, wait several minutes, scrub rigorously, rinse, and wipe it dry. You can also use vinegar or lemon juice in a similar manner. If these mild solutions don’t work, then try a commercial grout cleaner.

Fortunately, cleaning grout doesn’t come with a big price tag. Let’s look at the various ways in which you can clean your grout using household products as well as commercial chemicals. We’ll also share some tips that’ll allow you to maintain clean grout for as long as possible.

What’s the Best Way to Clean White Grout on a Tile Floor?

Professional cleaner cleaning grout with a brush blade and foamy soap on a gray tiled bathroom floor

Grout absorbs dirt and spills due to its porous nature, which makes the lines appear discolored and downright filthy. 

Grout in places with high moisture — like the bathroom floors — provides a perfect spot for mold to grow. Dark areas behind the sink, in the shower, or around the toilet are ideal for mold to settle.      

You can use both homemade grout cleaners and commercial products to clean grout, depending on how bad the situation is. Homemade products are typically mild and won’t damage your tiles. However, if you’re unable to clean your grout with a homemade product, then using a commercial grout cleaner is advised.

Make sure you check the ingredients of your chosen grout cleaner before buying. Also read the instructions carefully before using any of these products.

Tools You’ll Need

Before we get into the various ways that you can clean white grout, let’s look at the supplies you’ll need:

Grout Brush

One of the most effective tools against grout is a grout brush. Made of nylon, a grout brush is small enough to clean between the grout lines. Some of these brushes are handheld, while others are fitted with a wand to make cleaning easier, like this Homilifibra 2-in-1 grout brush (on Amazon)


An old toothbrush makes a great tool for cleaning grout, thanks to its soft bristles and small size. An old electric toothbrush is also another good grout-removing tool, since it means less scrubbing for you. 

Chisel Tool

A chisel is an effective tool for scraping away not only grout but also stubborn mold.

Steam Cleaner

Easy, effective, and convenient, a steam cleaner (on Amazon) helps to restore your grout lines. People suffering from back problems or who have trouble working while bending down will find the steam cleaner the best option. It blasts away grime and dirt without using any chemicals while effectively killing bacteria.

To clean the grout with a steam cleaner here’s what you should do:

  1. Attach the special grout attachment to your steam cleaner and fill the reservoir with water.
  2. Allow the water to heat. The amount of time this will take depends on the mode you’re using. Be sure to refer to the instructions manual for a better idea of the timing.
  3. Once the water is heated, press the trigger to allow steam to flow onto the grout.
  4. Scrub vigorously with the brush, and repeat the process until the mold, dirt, or grime becomes loose.
  5. With a clean cloth or sponge, wipe away the loosened gunk. Use a little water and mop if it’s extra dirty. 

Homemade Grout Cleaners to Try

Cleaning Grout

Cleaning grout may require some significant scrubbing; however, homemade grout cleaning products will make this process as easy as possible. 

Starting with the mildest, least harmful option is the best approach. If that doesn’t work, you can move on to other more intense and involved options. 

Also, if you feel uncertain about a particular grout cleaner, be sure to test it on a small hidden spot first, such as under an appliance in your kitchen or behind the toilet. That way, you can make sure it won’t leave any stains or discoloration behind.     

Baking Soda, Vinegar & Ammonia Method

To clean grout with baking soda, vinegar, and ammonia, here’s what you should do:

  1. Put 7 cups warm water, ⅓ cup ammonia, ¼ cup vinegar, and ½ cup baking soda in a bucket. Stir to combine.
  2. Pour this mixture into a spray bottle or dip a sponge in it. Apply a liberal amount to the grout and leave it undisturbed for several minutes.
  3. Use an old toothbrush or a small brush to scrub away the grout. If the grout isn’t completely clean, apply this mixture to the grout and leave it for an hour.
  4. Pour some water over the treated area and wipe it dry with a rag or towel.

Vinegar or Lemon Juice Method

Lemon juice works as a mild disinfectant that removes grout stains naturally. You can also use white vinegar similarly.

  1. Spray lemon juice over the grout lines or pour some vinegar over the grout lines. 
  2. Let the vinegar or lemon juice sit for 10 to 15 minutes before scrubbing with an old toothbrush or a grout brush.
  3. Rinse the treated area with a little water and wipe it dry with a towel.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Dish Soap, and Baking Soda

When baking soda and hydrogen peroxide combine, they create oxygen ions that act like mild bleach to remove stains effectively. Baking soda is naturally abrasive which makes it highly effective at removing grout.

Here are the steps:

  1. In a bowl, mix ¾ cup of baking soda and ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide to make a smooth paste.
  2. Next, add one tablespoon of dish soap.
  3. The dish soap in this mixture helps to loosen dirt, gunk, and grease stuck in grout lines.
  4. Before using this mixture on colored grout, remember to test it on a small area first, because hydrogen peroxide can cause the grout to discolor.
  5. Once you’ve established that it’s safe, use a nylon brush to apply the paste to the grout. You’ll see bubbles appear on the tile surface where you’ve applied the paste.
  6. Let the paste sit for around 15 minutes before scrubbing and rinsing it with hot water. Wipe the area dry with a clean rag or cloth.

Chemical & Commercial Grout Cleaners

Pouring Hydrogen Peroxide on Floor Grout

If you’re unable to remove dirt and grime from the grout lines with the help of homemade grout cleaners, then you should try out chemical and commercial grout cleaners.

Oxygen Bleach Method

Oxygenated bleach is an eco-friendly method to clean white or light-colored grout. It’s also known as sodium percarbonate.

Oxygenated bleach, typically found in detergents, is formed from hydrogen peroxide and soda crystals and is available in solid, powdered form — like this one from Charlie’s Soap Store (on Amazon).  

For this method, follow the steps given below:

  1. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of oxygen bleach in 2 cups of warm water.
  2. Pour this mixture into a spray bottle. Avoid mixing the solution too far ahead of time; doing so can affect the bleach strength.
  3. Before applying this mixture to colored grout, be sure to test it on a small area first.
  4. Spray the mixture onto the grout. Scrub using a nylon brush.
  5. Let it rest for a few minutes before scrubbing again. 
  6. For stubborn stains or dark spots, directly dip the wet brush in oxygen bleach and scrub.
  7. Pour water over the treated area and use a mop to rinse and remove the excess solution.

Chlorine Bleach

Another more traditional and effective way to clean grout and kill mold is using chlorine bleach. 

Remember to be careful when handling chlorine bleach as it is caustic to the skin. It can also create toxic fumes that can be hazardous. Wearing safety gear like goggles, rubber gloves, and old clothes can help you protect yourself. 

It’s also important to keep the room well-ventilated by opening a window or running a fan when working with bleach.

  1. Use a brush dipped in undiluted bleach to scrub the grout vigorously.
  2. Use water to rinse the area thoroughly before wiping with a clean cloth to absorb excess bleach and moisture. Dry it off with a clean towel.  
  3. Don’t leave the bleach on the grout for long if you have natural stone tiles. 

Alkaline Cleaner

Alkaline cleaners are also quite effective in removing grout stains. You can use commercial products like washing soda (on Amazon) to quickly clean grout. 

Follow the directions on the label to mix the product. Remember that exceeding the recommended amount won’t result in a more potent solution. 

  1. Apply the solution to the grout with the help of a sponge and let it rest for a few minutes.
  2. Scrub vigorously, making sure that all the stains are gone. Rinse the area thoroughly with water to clean it completely.
  3. With a clean sponge, remove the excess water and solution. Dry with a clean cloth.

Commercial Grout Stain Remover Method

Commercial grout cleaners allow users to remove mold and mildew and restore bright white grout lines with very little time and effort. These cleaners work in two ways:

  • Spray and Wipe: These products require hardly any scrubbing and help to save time and energy. But be careful as they may contain solvents, chlorine bleach, or harsher acids. A good option is the Goo Gone Grout & Tile Cleaner (on Amazon).
  • Scour With a Brush: Although this method may require some elbow grease, it’s particularly effective for use on floors and heavily soiled grout. Make sure that you read the safety precautions and read the active ingredients carefully before using these products. One of our favorites is IT JUST WORKS! (on Amazon).

How to Maintain Clean White Grout 

By following the tips given below, you’ll be able to maintain clean grout for longer:

  • Start your grout cleaning with the mildest approach as it’s less likely to discolor or damage the grout. You can always move on to more intense methods in case the stains persist. 
  • Prevention helps cut down on elbow grease. Reseal the grout whenever needed and clean up spills on tiles right away.
  • Keep grout sealed and maintained according to your manufacturer or tiling professional’s recommendation.
  • Once you’ve cleaned the grout with a mild grout cleaner or household vinegar, be sure to wipe it down every week to keep it clean.
  • Use rubbing alcohol to keep mold and mildew away from grout. With just a few spritzes every week, you can not only save time and effort cleaning but also preserve the appearance of your tiles.
  • Avoid using steel wool on grout as it can damage the grout. Steel wool can also scratch the tile around the grout. Use only soft, nylon brushes to protect your tiles and grout. 

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